Bad idea
Variisik Joodik palub edastada järgmise kirja teadmiseks kõigile, kes spämmiposti läkitavad.
Thank you for your offer. I do however not feel it is a good idea. Let me explain why.
You wrote:
" We have visited your website: and found that it is really a well-designed website with much helpful information. "
Did you really find that particular site informative. Then little do you understand because it is not an information site at all. It is a funny site!
You also wrote:
" However, there is a small regret that we cannot find your site in many searching engines. "
Well, I suggest you keep looking. My site is very well reflected in most search engines and is visited by astonishingly many readers.
There is nothing you can offer me that I don´t already have. So I suggest that you do not send me any further offers. Please take notice that I have inserted your mail address into a junk mail filter.
Sincerely yours